Friday, March 4, 2011

Word of the now: Castration

Two things are evident

~Male principle can be defined as the dynamic and active one.
~The world of today is neither dynamic in the fields it should be nor is it active when that is most needed.

Now, I'm not saying that the womenly, passive and transformative principle is going to doom us all, but a healthy relationship and rotation is needed. Furthermore, I believe it would be unfare and unreasonable to expect a wast dynamic surge of active energy from the femkind.

So, when talking about the lacking of the present state of things, you will inevitably come to a conclusion that the reason for this status quo is the castration of those that are now in their prime. And it ain't gonna get better over time. This is also obvious if you look around. From emos to hipsters to todays tough guys, tomorrows social cases, you can see that the times aren't so great for us, dudes. You can either grow long hair and spend more and more time at the barber shop (oups, hair-style sallon) or compensate for your lacking by being a nucklehead. Either way, when you get to a point to spread your wings, you will tumble down.

That is, if you don't muster your dynamic, active energy and create your own choice, your own reality. A reality that needs to be everchanging and evergreen to flex your mind. A reality that can transform you and that can be transformed by you.

If we perceive a healthy relationship between any two principles, we must see that both of those need to be able to function on their own so that they can function as a whole. Otherwise, those kind of relations grow into a dependance or habits, and there is no dynamic spark now truth there.

I will continue to talk about this for I believe that some monkey experiments need to be talked about and reminded about, that the role of the active principle needs to be reexamined and that we need to talk about differents plains on which an alpha male can exist.

Until then, move, act, do.

Be well


  1. "If we perceive a healthy relationship between any two principles, we must see that both of those need to be able to function on their own so that they can function as a whole."

    That totally applies to two people in a relationship as well. If they cannot maintain an identity of their own separate from the relationship, you'll just end up leeching each other's energy and ultimately killing the relationship. I make sure I keep my own hobbies separate from my girlfriend, for instance.

  2. And yet, if you build walls you destroy the chance for the dynamic nature of men and transformational nature of women. Walls are never a solution, but dynamic stability. Remember that Yin has a part of Yang in it and vice versa. Remember that Yang takes place of Yin and that they flow endlessly.

  3. I think the Golden Mean sums it all up nicely.

  4. I agree with you that rotation is always needed. Without that, we have nothing but boredom.
